Forfatter | Tittel | Hvor / Når |
Ursin R, Baste V, Moen BE | Sleep, sleepiness, shiftwork, and occupation | Foredrag ved 12. Nordiske Søvnkonferanse Bergen 31.mai-2, juni 2007 |
Bjelland I, Tell GS, Vollset SE, Refsum H, Ueland PM. | Folate, vitamin B12, homocysteine and MTHFR C677T polymorphism in anxiety and depression. | Poster, FASEB Summer Research Conferences, August 5-10, 2006 Indian Wells, CA : Folic Acid, Vitamin B12 & One Carbon Metabolism. |
Brekke M, Rekdal M, Straand J. | Cardiovascular risk intervention: Should size limit for target population determine risk algorithm’s cut-off level instead of vice versa? | Oral presentation Wonca Europe Conference, Florence, Italy, August 2006 |
Brekke M, Rekdal M, Straand J. | Cardiovascular risk interventions: should size limits for the targeted population decide risk algorithms’ cut-off levels instead of vice versa? The Norwegian Hordaland Health Study (HUSK) | Oral presentation at the European General Practice Research network (EGPRN) conference Kevalaa, Greece. Oct 20th 2006. |
Ursin R, Bjorvatn B, Ursin H. | Muscle pain and sleep – A population study | Poster presented at the 9th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine Bangkok, Thailand 28 nov.-1 des. 2006. |
Biringer E, Mykletun A, Dahl AA, Smith DA, Engedal K, Nygaard HA, Lund A. | The association between depression, anxiety, and cognitive function in the elderly population | Foredrag: International Psychogeriatric Association’s 12th International Congress, Stockholm 20.-24.09.05 |
Biringer E, Mykletun A, Dahl AA, Smith DA, Engedal K, Nygaard HA, Lund A. | Cognitive function in depression and anxiety in the elderly general population-the Hordaland Health Study | Abstract: International Psychogeriatrics 2005, Vol. 17, spl.2: p.152 |
Biringer E, Mykletun A, Dahl AA, Smith DA, Engedal K, Nygaard HA, Lund A. | Kognitiv funksjon hos eldre med psykisk sjukdom | Foredrag: Locusmøte i locus for registerepidemiologi, Voss 03.03.05 |
Brekke M, Straand J. | Use of antihypertensive and lipid lowering drugs among elderly living in the community | Oral presentation 14th Nordic Congress of General Practice, Stockholm, Sweden 15-18 June 2005 |
Brekke M, Straand J. | Does an unhealthy lifestyle predict drug use in the elderly? | Oral presentation 14th Nordic Congress of General Practice, Stockholm, Sweden 15-18 June 2005 |
Karlsen EB, Overland S, Møyner EI, Wøien TT, Mykletun A | A longitudinal study of the effect of BMI on GP-certified sickness absence | Abstract: 13TH EUPHA CONFERENCE, Promoting the public’s health: reorienting health policies, linking health promotion and health care, Graz, 10-12 November 2005 |
Møyner EI, Overland S, Karlsen EB, Wøien TT, Mykleltun A | The Karasek and Theorell job demand-control-support model in predicting sickness absence in the general population. | Abstract: 13TH EUPHA CONFERENCE, Promoting the public’s health: reorienting health policies, linking health promotion and health care, Graz, 10-12 November 2005 |
Wøien TT, Overland S, Møyner EI, Karlsen EB, Mykletun A | Is the economic rational choice model empirically relevant for disability pension award when inequality is taken into account? | Abstract: 13TH EUPHA CONFERENCE, Promoting the public’s health: reorienting health policies, linking health promotion and health care, Graz, 10-12 November 2005 |
Bekkevold, Elise og Lillebø, Kristine Elise Bekkevold og Kristine Lillebø | Helseforhold hos middelaldrende kvinner | Særoppgåve for graden, under arbeid |
Biringer E | Samanhangen mellom angst, depresjon og kognitiv funksjon hos eldre | Foredrag: møte i “Norsk Forening for Epidemiologi” (NOFE), Bergen 11.-12.11.2004 |
Biringer E | Depresjon og angst som prediktor for kognitiv funksjon | Foredrag: Nasjonalt kontaktmøte for psykiatrisk epidemiologisk forskning”, Bergen 12.-13.05.04 |
Biringer E | Depression as measured by the Hospital Depression and Anxiety Scale (HADS) predicted lower performance on cognitive test measures in a large non-demented elderly population sample | Poster: konferanse arr. av. “Association of European Psychiatrists” (AEP), Mannheim 23.-25.06.2004 |
Brekke M, Hunskår S, Straand J. | No use of medication is more common than polypharmacy in 70-72 year olds living in the community | Manuskript |
Brekke M, Straand J. | Use of medication among 40-45 year olds in the community | Poster Wonca Europe Conference, Amsterdam, Holland June 2004 |
Eikås, Ragnhild og Nysæter, Silje | Urininkontinens hos 40-årige kvinner i Hordaland | Særoppgåve for Graden |
Gulsvik A, Lehmann S, Tell G, Ueland PM, Vollset SE. | Plasma Homocysteine and Pulmonary function in a Community Study | Poster ATS kongressen i Orlando mai 2004, Am J Resp Crit Care Med 169,7: A605. |
Hunskår, Steinar og Eikeland, Ole-Johan Steinar Hunskår og Ole-Johan Eikeland | Yrke og medisinbruk | Rapport |
Langørgen, Aina og Hunskår, Steinar | Hormone use and cardiovascular risk among women 40-45 | Manuskript |
Lehmann S, Bakke PS, Eide GE, Humerfelt S, Gulsvik A. | Predictors of salbutamol bronchodilator response in a middle-aged and elderly general population | Poster ved ERS kongressen i Glasgow sept. 2004, Eur Resp J 24,Suppl.48:267s |
Lehmann S, Vollset SE, Bakke PS, Refsum H, Ueland PM, Gulsvik A. | Association between plasma folate and airflow obstruction in a cross-sectional community study of middle-aged and elderly | Poster (oral presentasjon) ERS kongressen i Glasgow sept. 2004, Eur Resp J 24,Suppl.48:434s |
Leversen I, Morken T, Riise T. | Gender Differences in Job Strain and Mental Health among Teachers? The Hordaland Health Study | Abstract: The 18th World Conference on Health Promotion and Health Education” konferanse i Melbourne, Australia, 26.-30. april 2004 |
Mittelmark MB, Lingaas F, Tell GS | Mental health promoting effects of canine companions: The Hordaland Health Study | Abstract: The 18th World Conference on Health Promotion, Melbourne, Australia, April, 2004 |
Moen BE, Riise T | Chemical sensitivity and quality of life in different occupations | Abstract: sendt inn til International Congress in Occupational Epidemiology i Australia, 2004 |
Morken T, Torp S, Moen BE, Riise T. | Musculoskeletal disorders in occupations in Norway. The Hordaland Health Study | Poster: EPICOH (17th International Symposium on Epidemiology in Occupational Health) i Melbourne i oktober 2004 |
Skjæveland, Gudrun | Subjektivt vurdert helsetilstand hos kvinner 40-44 år. Samanheng med urininkontinens, overgangsplager, røyking og fysisk aktivitet | Særoppgåve for Graden |
Ursin R, Bjorvatn B, Holsten F. | Sleep characteristics of 40-45 year old short, medium and long sleepers in a Norwegian county | Poster, European Sleep Research Society’smøte i Praha 5-9 oktober 2004 |
Lehmann S, Johannessen A, Vollset SE, Gulsvik A. | Bronchodilator response in a Norwegian community- Normative values | Poster ATS kongressen i Seattle mai 2003. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 167,7: A807. |
Mittelmark, Henriksen, Kvale, Aarø, Mæland, Nordhus, Siqveland, Torsheim. | HUSK research group publications through 2003 | HUSK publications and Papers Presented at Conferences |
Ursin R | Sex differences in the sleep of 40-45 years olds in a Norwegian county | Symposiepresentasjon, 10th Scandinavian Sleep Research society meeting København 22-24 juni 2003 |
Ursin R | Gender differences in the sleep of 40-45 year olds in a Norwegian county | Poster presentasjon ved konferansen The Paradox of sleep, An unfinished story, Lyon September 3-4 2003 |
Ursin R, Bjorvatn B, Holsten F | Sleep Characteristics of 40-45 year old Short, Medium and Long Sleepers in a Norwegian County | Abstrakt til møte i Chicago 3-6 juni 2003 (Association of Sleep Research Societies 17th meeting, Chicago Illinois USA 3-6 juni 2003 ) sendt inn medio desember 2002 |
Ursin R, Bjorvatn B, Holsten F | Sleep and sleep problems in 40-45 year olds in a Norwegian county. | Abstract sendt til Association of Sleep Research Societies 17th meeting, Chicago Illinois USA 3-6 juni 2003. |
Bjelland I, Tell GS, Vollset SE, Refsum H, Ueland PM. | Symptoms of anxiety and depression among subjects with elevated plasma homocysteine or lowered plasma folate in a population sample | Foredrag, 15.nde norske forskningskonferanse om mental helse . Hafjell, Øyer kommune, 11. – 13. feb 2002 |
Bjelland I, Tell GS, Vollset SE, Refsum H, Ueland PM. | Homocystein og depresjon. Foredrag + abstrakt i Norsk epidemiologi 2002; 12(Suppl 1):50-50. | Den tiende norske epidemiologikonferansen. Trondheim, 14. – 15. nov 2002 |
Bjelland I, Tell GS, Vollset SE, Refsum H, Ueland PM. | Folate, B12, homocysteine and MTHFR C677T polymorphism in anxiety and depression | Foredrag, The annual homocysteine meeting. Lyon, Frankrike, 6. – 8. sep 2002 |
Bjelland I, Tell GS, Vollset SE. | The 677C®T polymorphism of the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) is associated with depression, but not anxiety | Poster + abstract European Psychiatry 2002; 17 (Suppl.1):144-145. 11th AEP Congress, Stockholm 4-8 May 2002 |
Bjelland I, Tell GS, Vollset SE. | Hyperhomocysteinemia is associated with depression, but not anxiety | Poster + abstract I Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 2002; 105(411 Suppl 1):45-45. 11th Symposium of the AEP Section Epidemiology and Social Psychiatry 17-20 April 2002, Aarhus, Denmark |
Graff-Iversen S, Sørensen M, Skurtveit S | Reduced prevalence of overweight in men with physical work | Artikkel + abstract til en nordisk konferanse om fedme (Oslo sept. –02)Oslo, Nordic Obesity Meeting, Sept 21-22 2001 |
Lehmann S, Vollset SE, Gulsvik A. | GOLDs definition of COPD in a Norwegian community by self-reported clinical diagnosis of obstructive lung disease and respiratory symptoms | Poster ved ERS kongressen i Stockholm, 2002. Eur Resp J 20,Suppl.38:122s |
Moen BE, Riise T, Nortvedt MW. | Psychosocial factors, life-style factors and health-related quality of life among transport workers | Abstract. Poster at the 16th International symposium on Epidemiology in Occupational Health, Barcelona, Sept. 2002. La Medicina del Lavoro 2002;93:407. |
Nurk E, Tell GS, Vollset SE, Nygård O, Refsum H, and Ueland PM. | Changes in lifestyle predict changes in plasma total homocysteine: The Hordaland Homocysteine Study. | In: The 2nd Nordic Conference in Epidemiology in Aarhus, Denmark, 9-12 June 2002; Abstracts: 7 |
Riise T, Moen BE, Nortvedt MW. | Psychosocial work factors in agriculture | agriculture. Abstract. Platform presentation at The 16th International symposium on Epidemiology in Occupational Health, Barcelona, Sept. 2002. La Medicina del Lavoro 2002;93:413 |
Sanne B. | Occupational and industrial differences in anxiety and depression | Poster: 11th Symposium of the AEP Section Epidemiology and Social Psychiatry” 17. – 20. april 2002 i Århus, Danmark Abstract gjengitt i Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 2002; 105 (Suppl.): 23 |
Ursin R, Bjorvatn B, Holsten F | Sleep characteristics of 40-45 year olds in Hordaland county, Norway | Poster, 16th congress of the European Sleep research sosiety, Reykjavik, June 3-7, 2002 |
Vikse B. | Increased Serum Creatinine within the Normal Range Correlates with Unfavorable Lipid-Profile, Hypertension and History of Cardiovascular Disease | Poster Session at the ASN Renal Week in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Poster Board, Epidemiology, Prevention and Management of Cardiovascular Disease in ESRD Date 11/2/2002 |
Holsten F, Bjorvatn B, Ursin R. | Sesonality as measured by the global seasonality score in 40-45 year old men and women in a Norwegian county | Poster presentasjon World Federation of Sleep Research Societies (WFSRS) kongress i Montevideo, Uruguay oktober 2001 |
Lehmann S, Vollset SE, Gulsvik A. | Applicability of adrenergic bronchodilatation test in a general population | Poster ERS kongressen 2001, Berlin. Eur Resp J, Vol 18, Suppl. 33 |
Lehmann S, Vollset SE, Gulsvik A. | Applicability of adrenergic bronchodilatation test in a community study | Poster Nordic Lung Congress 2001, Helsinki. Egen abstract bok |
Nortvedt MW, Riise T, Moen BE. | The influence of life-style factors on health-related quality of life. | Abstract. Poster at The 8th Annual Conference of the ISOQOL, November 7-10, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Quality of Life Research 2001;10:243. |
Nurk E, Tell GS, Vollset SE, Nygård O, Ueland PM, and Refsum H. | Predictors of 6-years changes in plasma total homocysteine: The Hordaland Homocysteine Study | In: Homocysteine Metabolism, 3rd International Conference, Sorrento, Italy, July 1-5, 2001; Abstracts: 100 |
Riise T, Moen BE, Nortvedt MW. | Health-related quality of life and occupation | Abstract Poster at The 8th Annual Conference of the ISOQOL, November 7-10, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Quality of Life Research 2001;10:243 |
Tell GS, Nurk E, Vollset SE, Nygård O, Ueland PM, and Refsum H | Plasma total homocysteine and hospitalizations for cardiovascular disease: The Hordaland Homocysteine Study | In: Societies, Individuals and Populations joint conference of the Society for Social Medicine and the International Epidemiological Association European Group in Oxford, UK, 12-15 September 2001; Abstracts: 205 |
Tell GS, Nurk E, Vollset SE, Nygård O, Ueland PM, and Refsum H. | Plasma total homocysteine and hospitalizations for cardiovascular disease: The Hordaland Homocysteine Stud | In: Homocysteine Metabolism, 3rd International Conference, Sorrento, Italy, July 1-5, 2001; Abstracts: 264 |
Ursin R, Bjorvatn B, Holsten F. | Sleep and sleep problems in 40-45 year olds in a Norwegian county | Poster presentasjon, World Federation of Sleep Research Societies (WFSRS) kongress i Montevideo, Uruguay oktober 2001 |
Lehmann S, Gulsvik A. | Airflow limitations in middle-aged and eldrely people in a general population, before and after adrenergic bronchodilatation | Poster presentasjon ERS kongressen 2000, Firenze.Eur Resp J 16,Suppl.3:388s |
Lehmann S, Gulsvik A. | Bronchodilator response in a general population | Poster ATS kongressen 2000, Toronto. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 161,Suppl.3: A107 |
Mittelmark, Henriksen, Kvale, Aarø, Mæland, Nordhus, Siqveland, Torsheim | Social Environment Ancillary Study HUSK presentations 2000-2001 | HUSK publications and Papers Presented at Conferences |
Lehmann S, Gulsvik A | Bronkodilatasjonsrespons hos en voksen norsk befolkning | Høstmøtet, Norsk forening for lungemedisin 1999, Lungeforum 4:127 |
Showing 1 to 63 of 63 entries